“SHIP THRIFTY provided great support at every turn in the process of shipping care packages to deployed service members. From our first phone call, it was very apparent you were very willing to help and fully understood the process. You provide lists of items service members appreciate receiving, recommended USPS boxes that would meet our needs while lowering our costs, and your automated system efficiently prepared shipping labels and USPS Custom Declarations. Your system was easy to use and saved time. A complex process, foreign to most of us, was made relatively easy.
Whenever I had a question or concern, you immediately responded to my emails or phone calls. You always encouraged me and never rushed your answer. Ship Thrifty provides timely and professional service; you can be justly proud of your company and its mission. It was obvious you personally and Ship Thrifty have a passion to help deployed service members.
I highly recommend anyone wanting to ship Care Packages to service members use Ship Thrifty. You will be glad you did! Thank you.” – John C.